Our key environmental and sustainability targets for Operations, Trains, and Systems (OTS) are:
Compliance with project approvals
- Sydney Metro - Chatswood to Sydenham Environmental Impact Statement (external website)
- Sydney Metro - Northwest Link Environmental Impact Statement (external website)
- North West Operational Environmental Management Plan (pdf, 4.6mb)
- Chatswood to Sydenham Trial Running Minor Works Approval (pdf, 2.6mb)
City and Southwest
- Operational Environmental Management Plan (pdf, 1.93mb)
- Flooding and Hydrology Plan (pdf, 7.08mb)
- Groundwater Management Plan (pdf, 1.53mb)
- Heritage Management Plan (pdf, 39.0mb)
- Noise and Vibration Management Plan (pdf, 1.23mb)
- Traffic and Transport Management Plan (pdf, 9.07mb)
- Sydney Metro City & Southwest Chatswood to Sydenham (pdf, 659kb)
- Sydney Metro - Sydenham to Bankstown Infrastructure approval (pdf, 480kb)
Compliance with all permits and licences
- Chatswood to Sydenham EPL Premise Maps (pdf, 5.97mb)
- Northwest EPL Premise Maps (pdf, 15mb)
- Procedure for notifying of a pollution incident (pdf, 107kb)
- Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (pdf, 1mb)
Environmental Protection License
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme
Continuous Improvement through collaboration with key stakeholders including Sydney Metro Authority, regulatory agencies, contractors, and the community.