Our key environmental and sustainability targets for Operations, Trains, and Systems (OTS) are:
Compliance with project approvals
- Sydney Metro - Chatswood to Sydenham Environmental Impact Statement (external website)
- Sydney Metro - Northwest Link Environmental Impact Statement (external website)
- North West Operational Environmental Management Plan (pdf, 4.6mb)
- Chatswood to Sydenham Trial Running Minor Works Approval (pdf, 2.6mb)
City and Southwest
Compliance with all permits and licences
- Environmental Protection License (external link)
- Chatswood to Sydenham EPL Premise Maps (pdf, 5.97mb)
- Northwest EPL Premise Maps (pdf, 15mb)
- Procedure for notifying of a pollution incident (pdf, 107kb)
- Metro Train Sydney – Electricity Network Annual Safety Performance Report 2022-2023 (pdf, 363kb)
- National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Year 2022-2023 (pdf, 616kb)
- Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (pdf, 1mb)